Hi Eleanor
I don't know if you'll remember me; you did a reading for me several years ago. I'm a friend of D's and have asked her for your contact details as I'm a bit stuck with my situation and would like a reading if you're still doing that. D has told me you might be in Japan, she wasn't sure if you would be back in NZ yet; she also sends her love and regards. Look forward to hearing back from you. M Hi M It's really good to hear from you but unfortunate about the reason!! You poor sausage. I am indeed in Japan and I've been stuck a couple of times here myself and it felt like I had a brick wall around my brain that I just couldn't think through. I haven't done readings for quite a while. I'm not sure why. I suspect it's because people would get information from me - that would help them through their latest challenge - but I always knew they were temporary fixes because they would often ring again, a few months later, with the same or similar challenge. After a while I started feeling like a bandaid company. I felt frustrated that I didn't have the skills or ability to help people in a more sustainable way. For two or three years, being a bandaid for people was a huge honour for me because I had no education or qualifications. Every day Iwould get such profound satisfaction from doing what I was doing but after such a long time, and after over 1,000 readings, I started getting that 'I just feel like I need (to give) something else' feeling. I haven't found that something-else yet and maybe that's why I'm in Japan? I still have an unqenchable yearning to help people. I was born with more compassion than I know what to do with and people still approach me everyday to get guidance of some sort but I can't just give them the 'fish' anymore. I need to be able to help them chose the right fishing line for their needs and help them recognise the fish they might like so they know where to fish for them, and what they look like. Then, being around to see the look on their face with the first catch, knowing that they will get slicker with practise, and more discerning at what they keep and what they throw back, would be payment enough. I want to apologise if this is not quite the answer you were looking for but I also want to thank you for giving me the chance to see myself think out loud about it. For some strange reason, this very topic has come up a few times in the last week, even though I haven't given a reading since the last one for D and her friend in Australia last year. All I can share with you at this stage is one of my (zillion) sayings... "Do what's right for you and you'll be doing what's right for everyone around you'. It's profound in ways you can only see in hindsight... Warmest regards, hugs and best wishes for your challenge M E
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Pimp My Attitude
You need to know, right now, this is all about me. I'm not educated. I don't have any (non-driving related) qualifications therefore, I'm not about to tell you what you should do - I know my place.
And here you are. At my place. So - welcome. If you're here for 10 seconds, I won't even know so I won't be offended that you left early. If you're here for hours and keep coming back, I will consider you a friend because the only thing my diverse yet loyal friends have in common, and what I appreciate most about them, is that they just keep coming back.. Archives
September 2020